I’d like to delve into a couple of reasons I have for starting this blog.
I’m a writer.
I like to write. I write a lot actually. I’m a journaler… is that not a word? Spellcheck is getting upset with me. I’m leaving it. I don’t know a better way to describe my love of journaling… which apparently is also not a word. If blogger is a word, than journaler should be. Journals have been around for much longer than blogs. Just saying.
Excuse my little rant, what I’m trying to get across is how priceless my journals are to me. I hope they will be enjoyed by my children’s children’s children’s… you get the idea. Perhaps blogging is just another form of journaling.
Encourage and inspire.
Another reason for venturing into the world wide blogging scene is I feel I have had (and will continue to have) experiences and insights that are worth sharing. I hope you can learn and laugh with me as I share some of them here.
I mentioned in my first post that I want to relate personal stories that will not only encourage laughter, but also invite people to think about God and His hand in their lives.
My hope is that the thoughts I express here will inspire people to keep moving forward, not just despite difficulties, but also because of them.
Laughter and perspective.
My husband and I laugh a lot.
In fact, we should probably laugh more than we do considering all of the hilarious things that happen in our lives on a regular basis.
I believe if I can train myself to look at situations as funny learning experiences as they occur instead of in hindsight, I’ll enjoy life to an even greater extent.
People and connections.
I love to connect with people. People are amazing. Not one person is exactly like another and thus each one of us has a special story. This blog will be part of mine.
Here we go!
I know I’m going to enjoy your blog! I’m a journaler too. Also, I’m on a mission in Peru (I work near your mom.)
I wonder if you would enjoy the blog that a dear friend of mine writes – it is called ponderingofamothersheart.
Check it out when you have a minute.
Thank you Connie! I am new to all of this, but am looking forward to sharing some of my experiences. I hope they will uplift and inspire people to look for the good in their day to day lives. Hope you’re enjoying the mission! Have a happy new year!